Erich Kolig
Anthropologist and writer.
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Books |
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Single-authored books and monographs
1981, The Silent Revolution: the Effects of Modernization on Australian Aboriginal
Religion. Philadelphia: ISHI (192p.)
1987, The Noonkanbah Story: portrait of an Aboriginal community in Western Australia.
Dunedin: University of Otago Press (159p.)
1988, The Noonkanbah Story... Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 2nd ed.(159p.)
1989, The Noonkanbah Story... Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 3rd ed.(181p.)
1989, Dreamtime Politics: Religion, World View and Utopian Thought in Australian
Aboriginal Society. Berlin: D.Reimer (161p.)
1996, Umstrittene Wuerde: Andreas Reischek, der Neuseeland-Forscher aus dem
Oberoesterreichischen Muehlviertel (1845-1902). Wiener Ethnohistorische Blaetter 41,
Vienna: Ethnologischer Instituts Verlag der Universitaet Wien (153p.)
2010, New Zealand's Muslims and Multiculturalism. Leiden: Brill. (272p.)
2012, Conservative Islam: a Cultural Anthropology. Lanham MA: Lexington Books.
2014, Wiener Märchen: über Museen, Forscher und magische Objekte.
Frankfurt a.M.: Frankfurter Taschenbuchverlag/Public Media Verlag. (74p.)
2017, Maban - das Paranormale bei den Aborigines Australiens. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
Edited books/volumes
2002, E. Kolig and H. Mückler (eds.), Politics of Indigeneity in the South Pacific.
Muenster, Hamburg, London: LIT. (186p.)
2006, E. Kolig (ed.) Muslims in New Zealand. Special issue of New Zealand Journal of Asian
Studies vol. 8/2.
2009, E..Kolig, V. Angeles and S. Wong (eds.), Identity in Crossroad Civilisations: Ethnicity,
Nationalism and Globalism in Asia. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. (259p.)
2014, E. Kolig (ed.) Freedom of Speech and Islam. Farnham: Ashgate. (262p.)
2016, E. Kolig (edited with Malcolm Voyce), Muslim Integration: Pluralism and
Multiculturalism in New Zealand and Australia. Lanham: Lexington. (280p.)
Book chapters
1970, Spirituelle Wesenheiten bei Paschai des Dara-i-Nuralam und Mirkhel Paschtunen,
Afghanistan. Pp.281-285. In: Hundert Jahre Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie,
Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, ed. by C. and H. Mahr, G. Pohle. Berlin: Reimer.
1977, From Tribesman to Citizen? Pp.33-53 In: Aborigines and Change; Australia in the
'70s, R. Berndt. (ed.) Canberra: AIAS Press.
1978, Dialectics of Aboriginal Life Space.Pp.49-79. In:Whitefella Business:Aborigines
in Australian Politics, M.Howard (ed.). Philadelphia: ISHI.
1979, Captain Cook in the western Kimberleys.Pp.274-82. In: Aborigines of the
West:their past and their present, R. and C. Berndt (ed.). Nedlands: University Of
Western Australia Press.
1982, An Obituary for Ritual Power. Pp.14-31. In: Aboriginal Power in Australian
Society, M.Howard (ed.). St Lucia: Univ. of Queensland Press.
1984, The Mobility of Aboriginal religion. Pp.391-416. In: Religion in Aboriginal
Australia: an anthology, M.Charlesworth, H.Morphy, D.Bell and K.Maddock (eds.). St
Lucia: University of Queenland Press.
1987, Bi:n and Gadeja: an Australian Aboriginal model of the European society as a guide
in social change. Pp.270-289. In: Traditional Aboriginal Society, W.Edwards (ed.).
Melbourne: Macmillan.
1988, Noah's Ark Revisisted. Pp.241-248. In: The Flood Myth, A.Dundes (ed.).
Berkeley: University of California Press.
1988, Mission not Accomplished. Pp.376-390.In:Aboriginal Australians and Christian
Missions, T.Swain and D. Rose (eds.). Adelaide: The Australian Association for the
Study of Religions.
1988, A Nativistic and Millenarian Movement in North West Australia. (Translation of
H.Petri and G. Petri-Odermann, Nativismus und Millenarismus. Pp.376-396. In: Aboriginal
Australians and Christian Missions, T.Swain and D. Rose (eds.). Adelaide: The
Australian Association for the Study of Religions.
1988, Religious Movements. Pp.165-167. In: The Australian People: an Encyclopedia of
the nation, its people and their origins, J.Jupp (ed.). Sydney, Angus &
1989, The Powers that Be and Those who Aspire to them: power, knowledge and reputation in
Australian Aboriginal Society. Pp.43-65. In: Emergent Inequalities in Aboriginal
Australia, J.Altman (ed.). Sydney, Oceania Monograph
1990, Government Policies and Religious Strategies: fighting with myth at Noonkanbah.
Pp.235-252. In: Going it Alone?, R.Tonkinson and M. Howard (eds.). Canberra,
Aboriginal Studies Press
1995, Darrugu - Secret Objects in a Changing World. Pp. 27-42. In: Politics of the
Secret, C. Anderson (ed.). Sydney , Oceania Monograph 45
1996, Aboriginal World View and Oral Traditions:the case of myth versus history,
Pp.265-282. In: Kimberley Languages - in Honour of Howard Coate, W.McGregor (ed.).
Munich, Newcastle, Lincom Europa
1997, Recycling Charisma and the Sacralisation of the Landscape. Pp.201-221. In:
Gestern und Heute - Traditionen in der Suedsee. Festschrift fuer G.Koch.
M.Schindlbeck, (Baessler -Archiv vol. 45)Berlin: Reimer
2002, Guardians of Nature or Ecologists of the Stomach? The indigenous cultural revival in
New Zealand, resource use and nature conservation. Pp.7-23. In: Politics of Indigeneity
in the South Pacific, E. Kolig and H. Mueckler (eds.). Muenster, Hamburg, London:
2002, Introduction: Cultural revival, the construction of indigeneity and the world
system. Pp.95-118. In: Politics of Indigeneity in the South Pacific, E Kolig and H.
Mueckler (ed.). Muenster, Hamburg, London: LIT
2004, From a "Madonna in a Condom" to "Claiming the Airwaves". Pp. 135-158. In:
Cultural Identity and Politics in the Pacific, T. van Meijl and J. Miedema (eds.).
Leiden: KTVL Press.
2004, Coming Through the Backdoor? Secularisation in New Zealand and Maori Religiosity.
Pp. 183-204. In: The Future of Christianity: New Zealand, J. Stenhouse and
B. Knowles (eds.). Adelaide: Australian Theological Forum Press.
2005, The politics of indigenous - or ingenious - traditions: some thoughts on the
Australian and New Zealand situation. Pp. 245-278. In: Tradition and Agency,
T.Otto and P. Pedersen (eds.). Aarhus: University of Aarhus Press.
2006, Noble Savages or Misogynists? An ethnohistorical evaluation of gender relations in
Australian Aboriginal society. Pp.345-362. In: Ethnohistorie: Empirie und Praxis,
H. Mueckler, W. Zips and M. Kremser (eds). WBEA 14. Vienna: Facultas WUV
2006, Radical Islam, Dakwah and Democracy in Indonesia. Pp. 43-66. In: Understanding
Indonesia, S. Epstein (ed.), Wellington: Asian Studies Institute.
2006, Freedom, Identity Construction and Cultural Closure: The Taniwha, the hijab and the
Wiener Schnitzel as Boundary Markers. Pp. 25-39. In: Public Policy and Ethnicity, E. Rata
and R. Openshaw (eds.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
2006, Muslim traditions and Islamic Law in New Zealand: the "burqa case" and the challenge
of multiculturalism. Pp. 204-224. In: Asia in the Making of New Zealand. H. Johnson and B.
Moloughney (eds.). Auckland: Auckland University Press.
2009, Romancing Culture and its Limitations: policies of cultural recognition,
multiculturalism and cultural boundaries in New Zealand. Pp. 63-88. In: The Politics of
Conformity in New Zealand, R. Openshaw and E. Rata. North Shore City: Pearson.
2009, (with S. Wong and V. Angeles), Introduction: Crossroad Civilisations and Bricolage
Identities. Pp.9-20. In: Identity in Crossroad Civilisations, E. Kolig, V. Angeles and S,
Wong (eds.). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
2009, Islam and Orientalism in New Zealand: the Challenge of Multiculturalism, Human
Rights and National Security - and the return of the Xenophobes. Pp.219-240. In: Identity
in Crossroad Civilisations, E Kolig, V. Angeles and S. Wong (eds). Amsterdam: Amsterdam
University Press.
2010, To Shariatizise or not to shariaticize: Islamic and Secular Law in Liberal
Democratic Society. Pp.255-277. In: Shari'a in the West, R. Ahdar and N. Aroney (eds.).
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2012, Is Multiculturalism Working in New Zealand? On the absence of virulent Islamophobia.
Pp.177-196. In: Jahrbuch fur Islamophobieforschung 2012. Vienna: New Academic Press.
2012, Ferdinand von Hochstetter: Wahlösterreicher, Neuseelandforscher und Maorifreund.
Pp11-126. In: Österreicher in der Südsee: Forscher, Reisende, Auswanderer, H.
Mückler (ed.). Vienna, Münster: LIT.
2012, Der Österreicher Andreas Reischek in Neuseeland: Ehrenhäuptling oder Erzfeind
der Maori? Pp.199-212. In: Österreicher in der Südsee: Forscher, Reisende,
Auswanderer, H. Mückler (ed.). Vienna, Münster: LIT.
2013, "De-Talebanizing Islam and Creating Transcultural Spaces". Pp.113-135. In: Paul
Morris, William Shepard, Toni Tidswell and Paul Trebilco (eds), The Teaching and Study
of Islam in Western Universities. London, Routledge.
2014, 'Introduction: This Book, Its Mission and the Essays'. Pp.1-19. In: Freedom of
Speech and Islam, Erich Kolig (ed.). Farnham, Ashgate.
2014, 'Muslim Sensitivities and the West'. Pp. 63-123. In: Freedom of Speech and
Islam, Erich Kolig (ed.). Farnham, Ashgate.
2015, 'Whither Cultural Acceptance? Muslims and Multiculturalism in New Zealand'.
Pp.159-192. In: Asians and the New Multiculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand, G.Gosh
and J.Leckie (eds.). Dunedin, Otago University Press.
2016, "Australia and New Zealand". In Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World,
R.Martin (ed.). Macmillan Reference USA.
2016, "Introduction: How to Achieve Integration". Pp. ix-xiii. In Muslim Integration:
Pluralism and Multiculturalism in New Zealand and Australia. (E.Kolig and M.Voyce)
Lanham: Lexington.
2016, "From Cosmopolitanism to Pluralism - and Return". Pp. 3-31. In Muslim
Integration: Pluralism and Multiculturalism in New Zealand and Australia. (E.Kolig and
M.Voyce) Lanham: Lexington.
2016, "The Spectre of Parallel Societies and Social Disintegration". Pp. 67-89. In
Muslim Integration: Pluralism and Multiculturalism in New Zealand and Australia.
(E.Kolig and M.Voyce) Lanham: Lexington.
2016, "Conclusion". Pp. 251-260 In Muslim Integration: Pluralism and Multiculturalism
in New Zealand and Australia. (E.Kolig and M.Voyce) Lanham: Lexington.
2017, "Doing research in the Kimberley and carrying ideological baggage". Pp. In German
Ethnography in Australia (N.Peterson and A. Kenny). Canberra: ANU Press.
Refereed Journal Articles
1967, Verification by Double Translation.Mitteilungen der oesterreichischen
Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Ur-und Fruehgeschichte 18:63-69
1968, (cum F.Trupp) Urgent Research in the Pashai-Area, Afghanistan. Bulletin of the
International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research
1971, Quo Vadis, Australian Aboriginal Religion? Bulletin of the International
Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research 13:99-113
1972, Felsbilder und Akkulturation in Nordwest-Australien. Mitteilungen der
oesterreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Ur- und Fruehgeschichte 23:86-96
1972, Bi:n and Gadeja: an Australian Aboriginal Model of the European Society as a guide
in social change. Oceania 43:1-18
1973, Aboriginal Man's Best Foe? Mankind 9:122-124
1973, Aboriginal Land Rights, Policies and Anthropology: an Anthropological Dilemma.
Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnolological
Research 15:57-69
1973/4, Progress and Preservation: an Aboriginal Perspective. Anthropological Forum
1973/4, Glaube als Rechtsmittel: Anatomie eines Landanspruchs moderner Schwarzaustralier.
Wiener Voelkerkundliche Mitteilungen. 20/21 N.S.15:69-93
1974, Tradition and Emancipation: an Australian Aboriginal version of "nativism". Pp.1-42.
Supplement, Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority. Perth, Government Printer
1974, Der Kadjina: Mythos und Territorialismus moderner Schwarzaustralier.
Baessler-Archiv 22:283-304
1978, Aboriginal Dogmatics: Canines in Theory, Myth and Dogma. Bijdragen tot de Taal-,
Land- en Volkenkunde 134:84-115
1979, Djuluru - ein synkretistischer Kult Nordwest-Australiens. Baessler -Archiv
1980, Toepferei und Weltanschauung in Nordwest-Australien: ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie
des Kunsthandwerks bei australischen Urbewohnern. Archiv fuer Voelkerkunde
1980, Noah's Ark Revisited; on the myth-land connection in traditional Aboriginal thought.
Oceania 51:118-132
1981, The Rainbow Serpent in the Aboriginal Pantheon; a review article. Oceania
1981, Custom or Foreign Influence: the paradox of Santo, Vanuatu. Pacific
Perspective 10:57-61
1981, Woagaia: weltanschaulicher Wandel und neue Formen der Religiositaet in
Nordwest-Australien. Baessler-Archiv 29:387-422
1985, Collector or Thief: Andreas Reischek in New Zealand and the problem of scientific
ethics in the 19th century. Archiv fuer Voelkerkunde 39:127-146
1986, Andreas Reischek and the Maori: villainy or the nineteenth-century scientific ethos.
Pacific Studies 10:55-78
1987, Post-contact Religious Movements in Australian Aboriginal Society. Anthropos
1987, Looking Past Our Noses: Relativism and Rational Critique in Anthropology. Wiener
Voelkerkundliche Mitteilungen 29:75-94
1987, Kastom, Cargo and the Construction of Utopia on Santo, Vanuatu: the Nagriamel
movement. Journal de la Societe des Oceanistes 85:181-199
1988, Australian Aboriginal Totemic Systems: structures of power. Oceania
1992, Religious Power and the All-Father in the Sky: Monotheism in Australian Aboriginal
Culture Reconsidered. Anthropos 87:9-31
1994, Rationality, Ideological Transfer, Cultural resistance and the Dreaming: the
development of political thought in Australian Aboriginal society. Anthropos
1995, A Sense of History and the Reconstruction of Cosmology in Australian Aboriginal
Society: the case of myth versus history. Anthropos 90:49-67
1996, Thrilling the Clay of Our Bodies: natural sites and the construction of sacredness
in Australian Aboriginal and Austrian traditions, and in New Age philosophy.
Anthropological Forum 7/3:348-381
1998, Der Oesterreicher Andreas Reischek in Neuseeland: Ehrenhaeuptling oder Erzfeind der
Maori? Novara 1:41-55
1999, Ferdinand Hochstetter: Wahloesterreicher, Neuseelandforscher und Maorifreund.
Novara 2:63-79
2000, Of Condoms, Biculturalism, and Political Correctness. Paideuma 46: 231-252
2000, Social causality, human agency and mythology. Anthropological Forum
2001, Allah is Everywhere: the importance of ijtihad for a Muslim Community in New
Zealand. The Islamic Quarterly 45/2:139-159
2001, Modernisation without secularisation? Civil pluralism, democratisation, and
re-Islamisation in Indonesia. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 3/2:17-41
2003, An Accord of Cautious Distance: Muslims in New Zealand, ethnic relations and image
management. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 5/1:24-50
2003, Legitimising Belief: identity politics, utility, strategies of concealment, and
rationalisation in Australian Aboriginal religion. The Australian Journal of
Anthropology 14/2:209-228
2004, Deconstructing the Waitangi Treaty Narrative: democracy, cultural pluralism, and
political myth making in New Zealand/Aotearoa. Sites N.S. 1/4:84-118
2005,Radical Islam, Islamic fervour and political sentiments in Central Java, Indonesia.
European Journal of East Asian Studies 4/1:55-86.
2005, New Zealand Muslims: the perimeters of multiculturalism and its legal instruments.
New Zealand Sociology 20/2:73-97.
2006, (with William Shepard) Introduction: Muslims in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal
of Asian Studies 8/2: 1-7.
2006, A Gordian Knot of Rights and Duties: New Zealand Muslims and Multiculturalism.
New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 8/2: 45-68.
2006, Interfacing with the West: Muslims, multiculturalism and radicalism in New Zealand.
New Zealand Sociology 21/2: 215-246.
2008, (with Nahid Kabir) Not friend, not foe: the rocky road of enfranchisement of Muslims
into multicultural nationhood in Australia and New Zealand. Immigrants and Minorities
2015, Islamic Vigilantism, Blasphemy, Free Speech and the Internet: Charlie Hebdo's
Contribution to the Conflict. Waikato Islamic Studies Review 1/2:4-23.
2019, Extremist Orientalism: the local and the global in the Christchurch massacre.
Waikato Islamic Studies Review 5/1:20-37.
2020, The Roots of Extremists' Rage: Militant Islamism and White Supremacy as Identical
Twins. Waikato Islamic Studies Review 6/1:4-20.
2021, Muhammad and the Question of Paedophilia. Waikato Islamic Studies Review
2022, Editorial: "They are us" - the Christchurch mosque attack (15 March 2019), three
years on, and the state of Muslim integration in New Zealand. Waikato Islamic Studies
Review 8/1: 5-14.